Madeira: The Ultimate Team Workation

5 Minuten Lesezeit
Zuletzt aktualisiert:
September 4, 2024
Lisa Goodman
Lisa Goodman
People Project Manager
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Christian Ehrling

„Der Arbeitsaufwand der Mitarbeitenden für die Abrechnung hat sich signifikant reduziert, von weit über 30 auf jetzt 5 Minuten pro Reise.“

Christian Ehrling


Director Operations

Christian Ehrling

„Seit Einführung der Kreditkarten haben wir eine Zeit-, Kosten- und Arbeitsersparnis von 80 % festgestellt."

Christian Ehrling


Director Operations

Christian Ehrling

„Es ist unsere Aufgabe, administrative Prozesse für unsere Mitarbeitenden so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten. Mit dem Circula-Tool für die Reisekostenabrechnung und der Circula-Kreditkarte ist uns das gelungen.“

Christian Ehrling


Director Operations

Christian Ehrling

„Im Wettbewerb mit den großen, etablierten Anbietern hatte Circula das überzeugendste Konzept, um die speziellen, auch steuerlichen Anforderungen in Deutschland abzubilden.“

Christian Ehrling


Director Operations



Key Take-Aways

Of course, that wasn’t the only reason! By being intentional and dedicating time for both work and fun activities, the team had a mission:

  • Collaborate on key cross-functional projects
  • Strengthen team work
  • Knowledge share
  • Develop further technical and soft skills

The result turned out to be much more valuable, bringing back key customer and product insights beyond what any of the team could have imagined.

So what did the team do, and why did they say it was the best working experience they’ve had to date?


Collaborating side-by-side across different teams in a relaxing environment brought out the teams creativity, helping them to learn more about each other's work and bringing some deep insights to light!


Life on the island was busy with full weekend and evening programmes including swimming, running, and cooking. The ultimate team experience was the epic 7-hour hike through the beautiful nature, taking in the scenery and getting to know each other better. Team work was needed to motivate and support less experienced hikers to keep going and reach the summit together as one team!

Deeper working relationships

A week-long workshop dedicated to improving communication was the highlight of the week! The teams have grown closer together and built trust and strong friendships, meaning anything and everything is possible!

Skill Development

The team joined forces for cross-functional learning with interesting workshops in finance and accounting, ‘how-to’ boot camps in tech tools and JavaScript and a stand-out master class in Performance Marketing! More fun learning took place in the kitchen, where different teams cooked for each other in a Circula first ‘Come dine with me.’

A huge thank you to the dream team Marieke Breuer, Hüsnü Garibagaoglu and Manuel Ensinger for firstly coming up with the idea, and then working together to organise and plan it all. We appreciate all the time, hard work and dedication you invested to make this workation an experience the team will never forget!



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Lisa Goodman
Lisa Goodman
People Project Manager

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