Key Take-Aways
We have taken part in many incredibly fun team-building activities, which we believe are essential for us in creating better relationships, building trust, and stronger teams!We caught up with two employees from our Operations and Marketing teams, Hüsnü Garibagaoglu and Anna Lischke, who recently took part in two very different team activities.Hüsnü joined his Operations team on a kayaking tour through the canals of Berlin. He shared that these moments help him to connect with his teammates outside the normal daily business. The sunset exploration was the perfect way to relax, unwind and have fun, which he believes creates a positive working environment and boosts team spirit!
The Marketing team faced the climbing adventures of MountMitte. In the beginning, Anna was hesitant on some of the paths, but through her team’s trust, support, and encouragement, she got out of her comfort zone and completed the challenge. 💫 For her, team events are essential for building trust and skills such as resilience and self-confidence – and opportunities to celebrate team success.
Hüsnü shared:
"Circula see the value of connecting employees. With our quarterly team event budget, we have the freedom to choose and organise fun events interesting to us. Every time, someone new from the team organises it, which means we do something different every time, and we learn more about the person!"
Join us in our journey to strengthen bonds, foster innovation, and create a workplace where everyone thrives!
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