Guest Post: Case Study with Agile Heroes

5 minutes reading time
Last updated:
September 5, 2024
Annika Zweimüller
Annika Zweimüller
Online Marketing – Agile Heroes

Reisekosten-Formular für Excel

Berechnen Sie Ihre Fahrtkosten, Pauschalen und Reisenebenkosten einfach mit unserem kostenlosen Formular.

ROI-Rechner für Reisekosten-Software

Berechnen Sie den zeitlichen und monetären Vorteil, den Sie durch eine Implementierung von Circula als Reisekosten-Software erreichen können.

Die Software für Ihre Reisekosten und Auslagen

Automatisieren Sie Ihre Reisekostenabrechnung und Auslagenerstattung mithilfe unser preisgekrönten App und einem Hauch künstlicher Intelligenz.







Key Take-Aways

Agile Heroes: they started using Circula in 2020 and they're still satisfied with it. Nonetheless, the path to finding a suitable expense management tool hasn't been easy.

Guest post by Annika Zweimüller, Agile Heroes

We, at Agile Heroes, have been using Circula for over a year now and are extremely satisfied with it. Nonetheless, the path to finding a suitable accounting tool has not been easy. We are all the happier now that we found the right tool.

Travel expense reporting made easy

Although the number of trips decreased last year, as a result of the pandemic, we still use Circula regularly and it makes our everyday life easier - especially our accounting department's. As a training and consulting institute for companies all over Germany, our Agile Heroes trainers are on the road a lot - at least when there isn't a pandemic going on. Of course, this results in a lot of travel expenses that need to be accounted for. Before we switched to Circula in 2020, we tried to make our accounting easier by using another tool and Excel spreadsheets, but we quickly realized that we had chosen the wrong way. Although all employees were good with it, this approach was very error-prone and caused a lot of headaches, not only for our accounting department. A change was needed. Complaints were coming in, especially from our employees who were on the road, and it was clear to all of us that we would have to come up with something new here.

Source: Agile Heroes
Source: Agile Heroes

The search for a suitable tool

As an agile company, there was no way we could accept the fact that we could not find a flexible and satisfactory solution to our employee expenses. So we started a comprehensive analysis of our previous accounting tool and asked ourselves the question "what do we actually expect from an accounting and expense management software?". It was important to us to clarify what we value in order to find the right solution. The answer revealed the three most important factors: easy handling, a nice user interface and a direct interface with DATEV. It quickly became clear that many tools on the market did not meet our criteria or were available for astronomical fees. Therefore, they were rejected. In the end, Circula really won us over and the fast and friendly customer support, which was available right from the start, was a huge selling point. Questions and problems were answered and dealt with quickly and in a friendly manner, and the app proved to be the right choice for us almost immediately.

Source: Agile Heroes
Source: Agile Heroes

Smooth onboarding

Helpful documents were provided by Circula on the best way to implement the tool, which is why we were able to start using it pretty quickly and easily. During the initial travel expense reporting, our accounting department received additional support from Circula and learned practical tips. This still makes their life easier today and makes their daily work more efficient. However, the best feedback came from colleagues who regularly travel around the country. One enthusiastic employee said that ever since we started using Circula, he has always looked forward to the travel expense report. Simple and error-free. We are very happy with the decision to have chosen Circula for our expense reports. Especially after the bad experiences we had with previous expense reports and programs, we don't have to worry about this issue anymore. Our expense reports are now very simple and 99% error-free.

The bottom line is...

We would recommend Circula to any company that wants an all-in-one expense management software. In addition to the optimally functioning software, the tool also comes with great customer support and a beautiful user-friendly design.

Source: Agile Heroes
Source: Agile Heroes

We would like to thank Annika Zweimüller for her report on her experience with Circula. We are very pleased that we can help you and your colleagues on the path towards a digital transformation. Happy submitting!

Interested in making your company more digital?

With Circula you can help your employees in accounting, because travel costs, expenses, and additional meal allowances can be accounted for in a digital, automated and simple manner.



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Annika Zweimüller
Annika Zweimüller
Online Marketing – Agile Heroes

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