Get more out of your expense report

Claim back VAT on your expenses and get your money back easily. Businesses lose more than 20 billion Euro each year due to unclaimed VAT on expenses. Avoid long and complicated recovery processes, and save up to 27% on your expenses with our VAT solution partner WAY2VAT.

7,000 positive reviews show our customers' love for Circula.

Your benefits with Circula


Invoice verification is directly linked to Circula. Take care of your cost accounting and have the VAT reclaim calculated automatically at the same time.

Free of charge

Save double: The entire reclaim process, including partner integration, is completely free of charge.


Get VAT reimbursed even on small amounts. Get more money out of your travel expense report and recompense your expenses.

Travel expense report with profit

Get reimbursed twice: After completing the expense report and transferring the invoice receipts already submitted in Circula, the VAT is automatically claimed - free of charge and without having to take action on your own.

Circula WAY2VAT UI

Hassle free VAT reclaim

Recovering VAT on expenses can be difficult due to many different tax rules abroad: often, regulations and procedures are confusing and the administrative burden on businesses is too high.

Our integration takes the complicated refund process off your hands by using fully automated technology that more efficiently recovers money from your accounts. Together with WAY2VAT we take the work out of it for you, so that no money is left on the table.

Person with opening arms holding in his hands

Your advantages using Circula

Easy integration

Circula enables the interface for data transfer to WAY2VAT. The integration for automatic VAT reclaim is 100% free of charge for you.

Automatic data transfer

Once the cost accounting has been completed, all eligible costs and receipts already deposited in Circula are transferred to our partner for the evaluation of the refund.

Automatic verification

Invoices are automatically analyzed with patented AI technology and evaluated for the potential amount of money to be claimed back on your domestic and foreign expenses.

Claim filing

Save yourself unnecessary headaches when dealing with the authorities for VAT refunds - applications are submitted for you to the tax authorities at home and abroad.

Easy reimbursement

Submit your travel expense report to Circula as usual. Any hidden reimbursement amounts are calculated for you in the back-end and automatically transferred to your bank account afterwards.

Helpful links

How to integrate
automated VAT reclaim

Professional Plan

The free VAT refund is part of the Professional and Enterprise plan. If you are currently using Circula Basic, you can upgrade.

Activation at WAY2VAT

Get a free WAY2VAT account to start the integration. After activation, billing data will be calculated and VAT is reimbursed automatically.