Polyteia & Circula: a success story

5 Minuten Lesezeit
Zuletzt aktualisiert:
September 5, 2024
Alexandre Kantjas
Alexandre Kantjas

Key Take-Aways

How Circula helped government tech start-up Polyteia regain control over its company expenses.

How Circula helped government tech start-up Polyteia regain control over its company expenses.

The challenge

The Polyteia team travels regularly to cities across Germany to meet with city leaders. Headquartered in Berlin but with its Finance team based in Munich, the company rapidly realized that managing expenses was becoming a burden. In particular, the team faced the following issues:

⏳ Time-consuming procedure: Team members were submitting expenses by entering information in a spreadsheet and scanning receipts with the company printer. Submitted expenses were then checked one by one manually. The process ended up consuming precious time every month.

✍️ Frequent manual mistakes: Manual mistakes in submitted expense reports were common. Most of the time the Finance team could not correct them before double-checking with the employee first.

📣 Inefficient communication: The remote Finance team was using different communication channels to chase employees for missing information or receipts.

The solution

Polyteia started using Circula in January 2018 and since then processes all of the company's travel expenses through it. There are 3 benefits that Circula provides to Polyteia:

✅ Simple process: Travelling employees can submit expenses on the go; managers get reminded of expenses that need their approval and can approve or reject expenses in one click; Accounting now controls and exports all expenses with one tool.

✅ Time saved on accounting: The amount of work required to process expenses for the Finance team has been reduced to less than an hour per month.

✅ Streamlined communication: The company now relies on Circula automatic reminders and built in communication channels to handle all expense-related communication.


Circula is the ideal partner for your expense management. Circula's
expense management app makes it easy to account for all employee expenses - per diems, cash expenses, travel expenses, and out-of-pocket expenses. The intelligent Circula corporate credit card adapts perfectly to your business processes and offers further premium benefits with attractive cashbacks. In addition, Circula offers companies tax-optimized employee benefits such as the digital lunch benefits, a flexible mobility budget and internet benefit with which employees can be supported.



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Alexandre Kantjas
Alexandre Kantjas


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Faruk Tuncer

„Wir reisen jede Woche in ganz Deutschland und besuchen unsere Kunden. Mit Circula können wir alle Kosten direkt und unterwegs abrechnen."

Faruk Tuncer


CEO &Mitgründer, Polyteia

Faruk Tuncer
Faruk Tuncer


CEO &Mitgründer, Polyteia

Faruk Tuncer
Faruk Tuncer


CEO &Mitgründer, Polyteia

Faruk Tuncer
Faruk Tuncer


CEO &Mitgründer, Polyteia

