New Product Features – September 2020

5 minutes reading time
Last updated:
September 5, 2024
Juliane Rahmel
Juliane Rahmel
Product Manager

Reisekosten-Formular für Excel

Berechnen Sie Ihre Fahrtkosten, Pauschalen und Reisenebenkosten einfach mit unserem kostenlosen Formular.

ROI-Rechner für Reisekosten-Software

Berechnen Sie den zeitlichen und monetären Vorteil, den Sie durch eine Implementierung von Circula als Reisekosten-Software erreichen können.

Die Software für Ihre Reisekosten und Auslagen

Automatisieren Sie Ihre Reisekostenabrechnung und Auslagenerstattung mithilfe unser preisgekrönten App und einem Hauch künstlicher Intelligenz.

Christian Ehrling

"The amount of work required by employees for their expenses has been significantly reduced, from well over 30 minutes to 5 minutes per trip."

Christian Ehrling


Director Operations

Christian Ehrling

„Seit Einführung der Kreditkarten haben wir eine Zeit-, Kosten- und Arbeitsersparnis von 80 % festgestellt."

Christian Ehrling


Director Operations

Christian Ehrling

"It's our job to make administrative processes as simple as possible for our employees. With Circula's expense management solution and the Circula credit card, we have achieved this."

Christian Ehrling


Director Operations

Christian Ehrling

"In competition with the large, established providers, Circula had the most convincing approach to mapping the special requirements, including tax requirements, in Germany."

Christian Ehrling


Director Operations



Key Take-Aways

Circula‘s Product Releases in September 2020

We’re constantly developing our product and in September we’ve released a number of new features. Our product team and Riaan Stipp, the product lead, are working hard to keep Circula’s functions more recent and more intuitive. Our customers are always providing us with feedback to help Circula provide a software that can be used by them and their companies the best way possible. Here are Circula’s newest September features!

Splitting the Trip between Cost Units and Different Cost Centers

Accountants now have the option of allocating not only travel costs and expenses to different cost units and cost centers, but also per diems of entire trips. This means that you can now distribute all types of expenses in Circula to different projects, clients or customers. In case of visiting several clients during a business trip and the travel expenses have to be assigned to these clients, you can now easily settle the travel expenses incurred with Circula. Circula automatically calculates the flat rates that are incurred and also need to be split, while remaining within the applicable upper limit. This new feature should excite many Circula users with the "Accountant" role, because they can save even more time when doing the travel expense accounting.

Reusing Recently Added Trips

Commuters have to drive the same routes on the same trips quite often. In order to avoid creating a new trip every single time, it’s now possible in the Web-App to reuse your recently added trips and expenses.

A Flexible Controlling and Approval Process for Every Company Size

Our motto is "what doesn't fit, can be made to fit". That's why we've made the approval processes in Circula more flexible, so that we can make the process more suitable to the size of the company. Companies can now choose between a parallel and a linear process. In a parallel process, both the accountant and the supervisor are notified of a new expense to be reviewed and approved. Only when both users have given their approval, is the cost then considered approved and the employee is informed. In the new linear process, it is possible to define who should check and approve the expense first: the accountant or the supervisor. This means that a total of three approval processes can be mapped in Circula.

Preselected Overnight Accommodation For Multi-Day Trips

If you’ve billed a trip lasting several days through Circula before, then you know that in the past you had to manually select the accommodation button for each individual day. This is no longer the case. Starting now the overnight accommodation button is preselected for every day of the trip. This also means that you can manually deselect individual overnight stays, for example, if you stayed three out of five nights in a hotel, and the other two at a friend’s house.

Multiple Destinations on One Day and per Trip

Many of those that travel for business, such as consultants or sales people, visit different clients and customers during one trip - sometimes even in one day. Now Circula users can fill in multiple destinations for a trip on the same day in our Web-App and mobile app.

Happy submitting and until our next new features report!

Circula is the ideal partner for your expense management. Circula's expense management app makes it easy to account for all employee expenses - per diems, cash expenses, travel expenses, and out-of-pocket expenses. The intelligent Circula corporate credit card adapts perfectly to your business processes and offers further premium benefits with attractive cashbacks. In addition, Circula offers companies tax-optimized employee benefits such as the digital lunch benefits, a flexible mobility budget and internet benefit with which employees can be supported.



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Juliane Rahmel
Juliane Rahmel
Product Manager

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