Tips for the successful implementation of a new software

5 minutes reading time
Last updated:
September 23, 2024
Juliane Rahmel
Juliane Rahmel
Product Manager

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Discover What Companies Should Consider When Implementing New Accounting Software in Our Blog Article.

Whether online tutorials, digital learning environment or personal onboarding and staff training. The list of ways in which you can gain the knowledge of a new software in your company is long. The technical implementation process can be just as varied. In order to enable you to concentrate on your day-to-day business as quickly as possible and use the new software in your accounting department, we will give you a few practical tips so that the introduction of the new software is as efficient and satisfactory for all employees as possible.

What are the possibilities of onboarding?

If you have decided on a new software after the selection process, you have usually already discussed the next steps to go live with your contact person at the software manufacturer. If not, ask your contact person about the possibilities so that you can weigh up what is best for your company. Basically, a distinction can be made between two types of onboarding, as it is called in software jargon:

  • Self-Onboarding
  • Personal Onboarding

Depending on the scope of the software and its importance for your organization, in some cases a self onboarding, where no further costs are incurred, may be sufficient. However, if you are technically and digitally less affine and you are not a fan of self-study and basic setup of the new software, you should consider booking a personally supervised and professional onboarding with technical implementation by the software vendor.

Self-Onboarding: How it works and what you should pay attention to

In the case of our software, we offer our customers a large pool of specialist reading material, such as manuals, help centre articles, blog articles and video tutorials, and are also available to them at all times via chat, telephone and e-mail in the event of queries or uncertainties. If you decide to set up and learn everything yourself, you can create your account after signing the contract with your access data and create the data structure according to your accounting organization. Thus, all users of the app must be created and invited as such. Furthermore, the correct account carriers and cost centers must be created and the release process must be defined. When creating new users you have to assign the appropriate rights and roles, in our case travelers, accountants, admins and supervisors.

Our experience shows that our new customers often regret having saved money at this point because a lot of questions and uncertainties arise during the onboarding process whether you have done everything right. Clarifying these questions takes many times longer than if you had booked personal onboarding - especially in organizations with more than 30 travelers and correspondingly more complex structures. We therefore recommend our new customers to invest in a one-off, low-cost, proper onboarding for more than 30 travelers.

Advantages of personal onboarding

Especially if you do not yet feel 100% technically secure with the new software, your personal contact at the software manufacturer will help you to maintain a structured overview of all open implementation tasks and guide you step by step through the process. For larger organizations and enterprises, a proper implementation by an onboarding manager is absolutely essential, as this often requires very extensive measures to connect the entities to large ERP and HR systems. In such cases, your personal contact in the Customer Success Team will draw up a detailed project plan for you, from kick-off to testing with real data and company-wide roll-out.

But even for smaller companies, or a smaller number of travelers, personal onboarding can sometimes be worthwhile, as it saves you a lot of time for clarifying queries and gives you the technical security that your setup really works with the sensitive accounting data.

We want to enable our customers to achieve maximum success in the introduction of the new software, therefore we have developed various onboarding packages, which start at 500.00 € and can be tailored to individual needs. Please contact us if you would like advice on this.

Tips from our Customer Success Team for smooth onboarding

Michelle Seifert, Customer Success and Operations Manager
Michelle Seifert, Customer Success and Operations Manager

Regardless of which type of onboarding you choose, our experienced onboarding manager, Michelle Seifert, will give you a few tips to make your onboarding a complete success on all sides:

1) Involve accounting
The responsible accountant should be involved in the implementation from the beginning to avoid errors, monitor data quality and already be immersed in the use of the new software.

2) Responsible project manager
For the introduction of the new software, a responsible project manager should also be defined in the company from the outset, who acts as a single-point-of-contact for the software manufacturer and can manage the project internally.

3) High willingness to communicate
Even if it is sometimes considered more of a side project in accounting, the implementation of the new software with all its connections and tests is most effective if you take the time to do this and provide the software manufacturer with the data records and information necessary for the implementation within the agreed time frame. If everything goes according to plan and all data is delivered as scheduled, a go-live is possible after only 1-2 weeks, says Michelle Seifert.

4) Define requirements before kick-off
The first step of the personal onboarding is always the KickOff-Call, in which all requirements that are important for the technical implementation are discussed and a time schedule up to the roll-out is recorded. In order to avoid unnecessary delays in the implementation process, it is recommended, as with any "briefing" with an external partner, to have agreed internally on the project scope and requirements before the KickOff. This way nothing can go wrong, because the task is clearly defined.

If you are currently considering whether onboarding is worthwhile for you, our consulting team can help you find out. We have developed various onboarding models to suit every size of business.

Circula is the ideal partner for your expense management. Circula's expense management app makes it easy to account for all employee expenses - per diems, cash expenses, travel expenses, and out-of-pocket expenses. The intelligent Circula corporate credit card adapts perfectly to your business processes and offers further premium benefits with attractive cashbacks. In addition, Circula offers companies tax-optimized employee benefits such as the digital lunch benefits, a flexible mobility budget and internet benefit with which employees can be supported.



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Juliane Rahmel
Juliane Rahmel
Product Manager

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